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How Signing Up Helps

We aim to make a difference in our communities and to help raise funds and awareness for these issues. We also wish to give back to our communities through our “Community Buckets“.

These will be ongoing fundraisers put together by us and our various partners to combat different issues. Each bucket will then be used to give back to individuals and organizations in our communities. You will be able to see who’s giving to the buckets, how much is being used from the bucket and where the money is going to.

You can rep by either donating directly to someone’s bucket, or by signing up with us, and your signup will go to a bucket of your choice. Signup today by clicking the button below.

Pamela's on the Hudson's Bucket

  • - Mike V
  • - Jason P
  • - Stuart D

Lifetime $8,420

Current $0 / Goal $1,000



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